Product Details

MS H-Scaffolding, Manufacturer, Exporter

MS H-Scaffolding

Also called as U-scaffolding system, in the simplest terms, is a platform used in plastering works on interior wall and facade in construction. It consists of vertical, horizontal and diagonal parts. It is a comfortable and reliable system & also resistant to buckling by establishing rigidity with the connections. It also has safety areas where you can safely carry loads & ensures that you save a lot of time and labor. Comprises of two major components along with other auxiliary components.

Description Standardly designed using two vertical & two horizontal tube sections made of 48mm OD (40 NB) (thickness 3.2mm) pipe along with two round small solid bars having hole called goti installed for cross-bracing fixing & a socket made of 60mm OD (50 NB) (thickness 3.2mm) pipe installed at one side of each vertical section.
Standard size : 2mtr x 1mtr (height x width)
Description Standardly manufactured from two 33mm OD (thickness 2.5mm) pipe fixated in between using nut-bolt-washer cobination having end-holes for attaching diagonally between the vertical frames starting from the top end of the brace on one side and bottom end to the opposite side forming an "X" shape, providing lateral stability.
Standard sizes : 2.4 Mtr & 2 Mtr